Sound Design Live Ebook

Learn audio from the pros with the Sound Design Live eBook. Two years of interviews with the leading innovators in concert, theatre, and corporate production, all in one great book with a foreword by Bob McCarthy.
- Wireless Mixing
- Live Streaming (Webcasting)
- Higher Education
- Job Search
Anyone can work a mixing board. This book explains how to take your audio work to a whole new level. This is the cream of the crop sharing the best techniques, tips, and how-to knowledge on live audio and career strategy.
Here is a collection of assembled wisdom and experience that I believe will open up your mind to how you can expand your role in the audio professional network. -Bob McCarthy, Sound Systems: Design and Optimization
It’s like sitting down and having coffee with 20 AV professionals at the same time. -BigNate84, AV Shop Talk
Your download will come with three file formats: PDF, MOBI (for Kindle), and EPUB (for iBooks, Nook, and all other eReaders).
From The Foreword
The voices in this book have vastly different viewpoints, passions, and experience. If Nathan had brought them all together in one room to discuss audio, there would be at least as many passionate disagreements as points of concordance. Here is a collection of assembled wisdom and experience that I believe will open up your mind to how you can expand your role in the audio professional network.
Please download these sample chapters from Sound Design Live: Build Your Career As A Sound Engineer and learn how five different audio engineers deal with the technical limitations of live events.
From The Author
This is the book that I needed in college when I was trying to figure out what to do with myself, unaware of the many opportunities and paths available to me as a sound engineer. This is the book of fresh ideas, reminding me of all the creativity I can bring to the job, that I needed when I started to get burned out. And this is book that I need now, to create a sense of community in an industry that can feel lonely and under-served.
I have a passion for audio and have worked hard to find a place in the industry. Along the way I have talked to as many sound engineers and sound designers as I could, and in 2011 I began documenting those conversations in the form of a podcast. This eBook includes the best parts of those podcasts, with great information on audio technology and valuable advice on education and jobs. You will learn:
- How To Build A $10,000 Mixer With Software
- How To Setup A Computer To Run Live Shows
- Tricks To Mix Anywhere From Your iPhone or Laptop
- How To Mic An 800-Seat Theatre With Floor Mics
- The Basics Of Webcasting
- Creative Ways For Dealing With Loudness
- Should You Go To School & What Should You Study?
- Networking & Social Media For Sound Engineers
- And a ton of other great ideas you can use in the field today![/quote]
What the book is NOT is an ivory tower thesis on audio theory nor a product placement webinar on ‘Better Audio Techniques’. While the textbooks and manufacture seminars can be beneficial it is the apprenticeship like relationship that really provides usable tools and practical knowledge. - Tim Albright, AV Nation
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