Sub School
You will discover
1. How to design a sub arc to match audience shape.
2. How to optimize a cardioid array design and verify it in the field.
3. The "no tears" method for accurate sub alignment.
You get:
☑ Four 90-minute classes with demos and assignments (all recorded).
☑ A 30-minute private training session with me.
☑ Lot's of demos, tips, tricks, hacks, recipes, and templates.
8 Lessons
1 - Arc Sub Class
Learn to design, deploy, and verify physical and delayed arc sub arrays.
1.1 - Arc Sub Deploy & Verify
1.3 - Arc Sub Alignment
2 - Gradient & End-fire Class
2.1 - Gradient Design, Deploy, Verify, Align
3 - LR Complications
How to maximize uncoupled arrays.
4 - Make Alignment Easy & Accurate
Learn to build alignment presets and deploy them in the field.